Great Copying And Clear, Colourful Scanning
With your Samsung SL-M2885FW Series, superior-quality copies and scans are now a reality. Great performance means fine text and images are sharper, delivering much more legible text and vibrant, smooth images.
Enhance fine lines and small text, unlike some others, Samsung SL-M2885FW Series ensure thin lines and small text are captured when scanning or copying.
Unlike some others, Samsung SL-M2885FW Series ensure thin lines and small text are captured when scanning or copying. De-Integrated Cavity Effect (De-ICE) technology maximises the amount of text that is captured, delivering higher-quality prints and scans.
No more halftone patterns with
With a Samsung SL-M2885FW Series, you can remove halftone patterns on images and enjoy the clear and smooth images you need for truly professional print results.